Welcome to the ESC Region 13 Foundation

Empowering educators, inspiring students, and enhancing communities

Our Purpose

The ESC Region 13 Foundation is committed to advancing educational excellence through educator preparation, recognition and retention; championing educator health and wellbeing, and fostering career and postsecondary pathways to ensure a brighter, more empowered future for all within our region.

Our Programs

Discover our range of initiatives designed to empower educators, support their well-being, and foster pathways to success for students across our region.

Educator Preparation, Recognition, and Retention

Supporting educators with training, recognition, and resources for a fulfilling career in education.

Educator Health and Wellbeing

Promoting wellness through support services and resources for educators’ physical and mental health.

Career and Postsecondary Pathways

Equipping students with skills and opportunities for success in their future careers and academic endeavors.

Get Involved

Join our mission to enrich public education in Region 13. Whether you’re an educator, parent, student, community member or organization there’s a place for you.

Donate: Invest in the future by supporting our programs.

Partner: Collaborate with us for mutual growth and community impact.

Contact Us

Reach out for more information, partnership opportunities, or to get involved. We’re here to help and eager to connect.



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